Thursday, November 5, 2009


The project on Sixty-Five aims to have students apply actual sites, and figures to the events described in the novel, allowing literature to “come alive” in their minds. Students will work in groups of five (5) to complete this project. The project is broken up into four components, it is advisable that each member of the group be given a specific task to complete, to guarantee full group participation in the project.

Paul Bogle is celebrated as a National Hero in Jamaica, yet, many Jamaicans are unaware of the specific locations of his heroic deeds and to an extent what he did. With this in mind:

· Create a pictorial map of Deacon Bogle’s journey from Stony Gut to Morant Bay court house. This must be done on cartridge paper, with all the components of an official map, i.e. Borders, Key, Important places, etc.

· Write a report on the field trip and the sites that were visited. Students should include pictures of the items identified from the “scavenger list”.

· Write a letter to the St. Thomas Parish Council or The National Heritage Trust advising them to upgrade and promote the important sites of the 1865 Morant Bay Rebellion as an attraction for tourist and Jamaicans alike. Propose possible events or infrastructures that could be put in place to reflect the struggles and resilience of the people involved in the Rebellion.

· Create an activity which draws on the historic events of the Morant bay Rebellion. E.g. Jig Saw puzzle, Crossword, find-a-word, scrambled words.

Scavenger list: Court house, coffee tree, a cannon, Donkey, woman or man travelling to market, horse in pasture, men sitting under a tree, vendor selling, Red Brick church, Great house, ocean, ship at sea, country bus, tomb stone dated in the 19th century, old woman with tie head, river.